All about coral reefs and how you can protect them..

Friday, February 8, 2008

Malaysia - Nation Blessed by God

Where coral reefs are found....

Photo Source: JEN Veron & Mary Stafford-Smith. Corals of the World (AIMS 2000)

As you can see from the picture, coral reefs are spread across the tropical region, where most the most diversity of corals are nearer to the tropical. This is because corals have a limited temperature range where it thrive (25 -30 °C).

How blessed is Malaysia?

Photo Source: Unknown - Dr. Ridzwan (UMS)

This area is known as the 'Coral Triangle', an area recognised with the most diversity of marine life. Look at where the Borneo island is - right in the area with most diversity of corals. This is how BLESSED Malaysia is.

Thought: This post started because of what ML said - Malaysia is so BLESSED! Indeed, we are. Found in one of the area with most diversity, Malaysia has so many beautiful creatures living within it. It is a showcase of God's creativity and work of art as He created all these.

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